Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wetoku: The Easiest Way to Produce Multi-party Video Content

Wetoku is an internet video service that helps users easily communicate with one another and embed the video in blogs. Using Wetoku, user can record video chats between two people and broadcast the video chat. There is no software to install.

Here's a sample Wetoku video, an interview with FlyFan (another Geeks on a Plane Seoul participant):

Also check out the interview with John Kim of Paprika Lab:

With Wetoku, anyone with a webcam can have a video interview with another person and either livecast the video to many people or embed the video in blogs or other websites for later viewing. See previous reviews on Wetoku by Read/Write Web and Web 2.0 Asia.

Asked who might be the competitors, David Lee (a.k.a. "Wetoku Dave") said Livestream, Ustream, Justin.tv and Skype can all be their competitors, but Wetoku stands out in several ways. Video broadcasting sites like Livestream, Ustream, and Justin.tv cater mainly to broadcasting from a single point to many people, with a strong emphasis on realtime viewing; While Wetoku also provides realtime broadcasting for its users, its main focus is on "enabling users to create lasting, premium video content that can be embedded into a blog or any website." And while the video broadcasting sites offer a broad range of features, Wetoku strives to keep its features simple and focused on what it does best.

David also says even Skype, a great communication tool, comes short at producing video content -- it's cumbersome, requires both parties to install the Skype software, and further requires additional 3rd party software to produce recordings, which then need to be separately uploaded before being embedded into a blog or website.

Wetoku's mission is "to smash and bash technical barriers to creating compelling video content." David initially created Wetoku as a pet project to "make it easier to be a featured video guest on blogs."

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